Monday, January 26, 2009

Update Monday 5 PM

Talked with my mom this evening- she feels "like a new person" after taking a shower, getting her eipdural, and NG tubes out. It is actually the longest coherent conversation that I have had with her in a week. She has eaten some food and is cooperating with her. After she talked with the doctor this afternoon he said it would be Wednesday before she is released but we hope if she has a good night it could be tomorrow (is what she is hoping and we are all hoping).
Thanks for your prayers and yahooooo!


  1. Ruth,
    So glad to here you are doing good. We will all be glad when you are home!! I bet a shower was really good!! Hope to see you really soon. Hey you guys be careful out on these snowy roads. Take care and see you soon. Thanks Sarah for the great updates and let me know if you need ANYTHING!!

  2. High GUYS:
    Six months ago I could not spell Blogger; now I are one!!!(at least partially) Sarah's updates sound good and that is great news. It was severely cold today in Baton Rouge - about 70 degrees - no snow to shovel, Ruthie!

    Terry & Jeanette

  3. Thanks for the updates Sarah! So glad things are going better. Our love, prayers, thoughts continue!!!

  4. Awesome Ruthie! Keep up the great work & we will see you soon----the kiddos at Brush Creek miss you & send their very best as well........thanks Sarah for the updates & remember to take care of yourself too----tell Bob the same----love you Ruthie!!
