Thursday, January 22, 2009

Update 2:45pm Thursday

Hi to all, thanks for your thoughts and prayers!
Ruth has had a great day today! She has been up and walking twice today! She continues to have a tube down her throat so difficult to talk but doing much better today. The pain and nausea have subsided for now hopefully for good. She was getting pretty discouraged so all of your prayers have helped in this matter.
On the other hand we are still waiting for her to pass some gas. After she acomplishes that obstacle she will be able to move beyond no food or drink. This is because she had some of her bowel removed and they do not want to rush the healing process. Her attitude and color is so much better. We hope to be home sometime by the end of the weekend if her body has healed enough to do so. Other than that we are enjoying the wonderful accommodations on the GYN recovery wing at the hospital. Needless to say she so thankful for cold water and ice chips unlike on Tuesday before surgery she never wanted to see water again after prepping for surgery.
We got re-confirmation that it has not spread to the lymph nodes from the doctor this morning- Praise The Lord!!!!

Thanks and will keep you posted as we get a chance.


  1. Way to go Ruth - two walks in one day - I am not surprised in the least. It's amazing you are up and about and it's only been two days since your surgery.I am not surprised in the least.
    Now we are awaiting the big news of you passing gas!!!!!
    Sarah thanks so much for your updates, they mean so much to us back home.
    Keep the faith...


  2. That is terrific news!!!(About the lymphnodes.) Get better soon! CCIRA is just around the corner!

    Chin up!

