Wednesday, October 7, 2009

I had my first new chemo treatment yesterday and have felt no adverse side effects so far, Praise the Lord! Since I have been having difficulty with regular bowel movements, an x-ray also done yesterday revealed that I have a partial blockage there so am now working on removing that and will continue on regular medication to keep everything moving! Interesting that when something as simple as that isn't working properly, what an impact it can have on your daily existence! Overall I am not experiencing a lot of pain, but remain very low energy. I have a lot of fluid retention in my feet, ankles, and knees which makes it hard to get around because I have so little flexibility. My next chemo is in three weeks. My good friend Boo Bourgeois Macomber from Abbeville is visiting me now, so we have all been eating her wonderful cajun cooking. One of her daughters is living temporarily in Moab, Utah, and the other resides in Crested Butte, CO, so she will be visiting them as well. It's wonderful having her here and she has been a tremendous help. Please continue to pray for healing and comfort in my illness until then.

1 comment:

  1. Believe me, Ruth, our family should own stock in Miralax after dealing with "blockages" from Finn's chemo! I still keep it handy just in case he needs it! Praying for you each day! Enjoy your friend's visit and the Cajun cooking!

