Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The results of my most recent blood work shows that I would benefit from a blood transfusion which I will receive tomorrow at the Shaw Center in Edwards. Hopefully it will give me new energy! I will also meet with my oncologist there to discuss the possibility of whether or not I might be a candidate for some less invasive types of procedures to debulk the tumors. I am starting to take Frankincense, essence of orange oil, and Ningxia Red juice along with other homeopathic remedies to more aggressively try to stop the growth of the tumors. I continue on my diet, though I am very bored with it, but know that it is the right thing for me right now. Please continue to pray for us! I will start back to school full time in the library on August 24th. I thrive on routine, so I am looking forward to being back with all the kids and teachers at my school.


  1. Praying for you, Ruth! Can't wait to see you back at school!

  2. I am looking forward to working with you this year!!! Good luck tomorrow! -Leni

  3. Thoughts and prayers continue at the Brumbaugh household! Love you Ruth!

