Wednesday, February 11, 2009

As Good as it Could Be- Chemo Session 1 Out of the Way!

We are all doing great!
Yesterday Ruth had her 1st transfusion, it went very well. She had a lot of visitors which she enjoyed, however the nurse was concerned about her not getting enough rest. I stopped by for the latter part of the day to drop off a frosty- which she ate all of it to my disbelief! All the staff were so accommodating, on top of everything, knowledgeable, willing to go above and beyond, we are so fortunate to have them apart of her team of doctors, nurses, and other medical professionals that are treating her. She tolerated the drugs well, slept well last night with no complications and was up with me at 4 as she had enough sleep and was ready to walk maybe even start running on the treadmill this morning!

It was the same combo of drugs that she had last time as we still are waiting on the chemosensitivity tests to come back- we don't expect that they will change the drugs too much- if at all.

Ruth is headed to Denver today with a check-up appointment with the surgeon- will let you know if we know anything new.

As of right now her next chemo is scheduled for Wednesday March 4th.

Thanks for your prayers-

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