Thursday, May 21, 2009

Update on Ruth

Ruth had chemo on Tuesday this week and is doing ok, she is really tired and not feeling great but still went to school on Wednesday, much to our relief decided to take off today- Thursday. Hopefully with some rest she will be ready for the holiday weekend. She is hoping the reason why she is tired and in pain means that the chemo is effectively working and her body is fighting this disease. Her iron levels are a little low so she will need to get iron treatments for a bit through an IV between her chemo treatments. Her blood results came back looking good for the most part. Much to her disappointment she will not be participating in this years Bolder Boulder 10K run this year, however Bob still will and she plans on cheering him on. So if any female 62 years of age that is reading this you should enter the race this year as it will be your only chance to win the age group- good luck, she will be back for revenge next year!

Happy Memorial Day weekend- stay safe out there-to all the Men and Women in our Military that are serving, have served or will serve thank you for your service from the bottom of our hearts.

As always thanks for your prayers!


  1. Yes! Rest up, Ruth, so you can run the legs off of everyone next year! Keeping you in our prayers!

  2. Love you Ruth!

    Jenn Brumbaugh

  3. Greetings from "way down yonder." Phil. 4: 4-7
    Love to all.
